
Hi, I'm Diana. Several years ago I lost a bunch of weight by completely changing my attitude toward food and exercise. Since then I've learned a few things about keeping it off and I'm still learning. Even if I'm constantly fighting off a few pounds, I can't imagine where my weight would be now if I hadn't made such a drastic life change. I'm a health coach for the Prevent program by Omada Health, and previously I was a Weight Watchers leader. Hopefully my silliness will help make your journey to health a little more fun. More about me here.

Photo by Karl Ko

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Healthy and Enticing Food on a Budget

I'm in the middle of a food photography project for work and it was super fun to walk around the store and think, "What looks beautiful today?" All this food was bought in one trip to a single store and it was $63. That includes specialty items like Hawaiian papaya, blackberries, pre-cut butternut squash, coconut, nuts, seeds, and pre-washed mixed greens. Add some protein foods from a big box store or local farm distributor and you've got the ingredients for lots of delicious, nutritious, and budget friendly meals. Take a few hours on the weekend to prep for the coming week and you can make it even easier to grab and go!

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