
Hi, I'm Diana. Several years ago I lost a bunch of weight by completely changing my attitude toward food and exercise. Since then I've learned a few things about keeping it off and I'm still learning. Even if I'm constantly fighting off a few pounds, I can't imagine where my weight would be now if I hadn't made such a drastic life change. I'm a health coach for the Prevent program by Omada Health, and previously I was a Weight Watchers leader. Hopefully my silliness will help make your journey to health a little more fun. More about me here.

Photo by Karl Ko

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Team Finnick

I just finished The Hunger Games series and per my usual style it took me about 6 days to read all three books. Then I looked up and proceeded to go figure out what of importance had happened since I started reading and checked out of life. Finnick's advice is the one part I will never forget:

“Better not give in to it. It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart.”

I find this to be so true about my efforts to exercise and eat right. It's so easy to say that I'll get back on track tomorrow but it's not so easy to do it. Is it bad that I most relate to the character who is right on the edge of falling apart? Nah, I'm embracing it. A little while ago my Weight Watchers leader gave me a little charm that say "never give up" on it. I'm thinking about adding on a trident charm to remind me of Finnick's resolve and loyalty. Maybe some of his confidence will rub off on me too.

'“Finnick?" I say, "Maybe some pants?"
He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospital gown leaving him in just his underwear. "Why? Do you find this" -- he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose -- "distracting?"'

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