
Hi, I'm Diana. Several years ago I lost a bunch of weight by completely changing my attitude toward food and exercise. Since then I've learned a few things about keeping it off and I'm still learning. Even if I'm constantly fighting off a few pounds, I can't imagine where my weight would be now if I hadn't made such a drastic life change. I'm a health coach for the Prevent program by Omada Health, and previously I was a Weight Watchers leader. Hopefully my silliness will help make your journey to health a little more fun. More about me here.

Photo by Karl Ko

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I'm back!

After an entire year of healing a busted ankle, I returned to the slopes for some snowboarding in February! And while I was petrified at first, I ended up really getting back into the groove and improving my skills. By day four, I managed to have an entire day of boarding without falling down! This is a huge victory because, you see, I've never done that before. Just goes to show that if you stick to your goals despite obstacles, you will get there.

This picture, taken at Homewood Mountain Resort, is a paltry representation of the magnificent view overlooking the California/Nevada border. I've never seen scenery so breathtaking. And this is just one reason I love the snow.

To read about how I managed to tear some stuff in my ankle, check out the story of my first alien abduction.

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